Page One: get on a Harley Davidson

....find a road. Take a firm grip on the Harley Davidson handlebar. Listen to the welcoming rhythm of a V-Twin resonating beneath your seat. Living a life of legendary proportions isn't any more complicated than that....
You could be anywhere. What's important is the sun warming your back. The wind cooling your chest, The horizon teasing you further down the road. You are settled deep in the midst of the chrome and leather and V-Twin pulse of a Harley Davidson Motorcycle.Up ahead, a church steeple breaks the rolling monotony of the treetops.
Before you know it, a road sign suggests you back off the throttle. Out of the bright sun into a cool canopy of oaks. You glance down to see if you need gas. The needle says keep going. You near the edge of town. A ball game in the front yard stops as you rumble by.....You give the kids a nod. Then it's up through the gears.
You are riding on your own terms. There is plenty of room to breathe. There is no one in the world to tell you where to go except the voice inside.
This is what riders on Harley Davidson have always experienced. In our humble opinion, it's the only way to live.......