Il ritorno a casa non e' mai triste...... forse un po sempre confortante ( se c'e' qualcuno che ti aspetta....)..... Il ritorno da Faaker See / Austria - Carinzia e' caratterizzato dal percorso piu' lungo.... poiche' piu' dolce e' stata la fatica.... Una Harley e' sempre una Harley. Guardatevi il video e....buon divertimento!!!
Vegas De Laroja was born in Milan Italy in 1974.
He is an entrepreneur, advertiser, publisher and Web content editor.
Photographer, editor and art director produces emotional events around the world.
He is the owner of Vegas Corporation and Numedja Production, (De Laroja d.o.o.) mainly dealing with above-the-line advertising.
Used ford edge titanium - Titanium Art - The World of Art
Used ford edge titanium. titanium linear compensator This is an babyliss pro titanium flat iron old vintage classic used titanium solvent trap piece titanium astroneer by Edwin Jagger in the 1980s. It's not even been in the US since titanium hoop earrings the 1980s.
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