Look twice before you judge.If you don't know something, study. If you don't know a person, learn. If you don't know a dynamic, wait, take your time, give time to time. And above all read. Read carefully what is written. Don't make the mistake of knowing if you don't know... Because those who know they don't know are different from those who don't know and don't want to know. It's easy to let slip a word too many, it's even easier not to understand each other over a trifle... But if you can, please don't say things out of turn... It's easy to appeal to the Fifth Amendment and praise yourself for how much you have that freedom conquered with your independent you are, how good it is to work hard, how happy you are in your own unhappiness.. . You're on social media... not at the Rodeo. So what people tell in the form of posts, what people say, what people preach is not always the actual kicking of a bull... But then it happens who crashes on the front page, publishes interesting things that seem silly but are "real life", told in the form of metaphor, photograph, anecdote... I try to tell my life, my ways of doing as I have always done for my editorial projects. Real life transferred to social media is one thing.... The social life that then conditions your real life is something else. The first is incentive. The second one makes you shit in your underwear...because it's real life that tests you and not your computer. Sometimes hard work on the Ranch leads you to make difficult choices, especially when you have little and/or some circumstances all together create that existential mess where you have to start wondering how to get out of shit. So many Cowboys have other jobs. The insurer, the policeman, the carpenter, the mechanic, the fireman.... It looks like a picture of the ''Village People''... By the way... many Cowboys go to Rodeos but many others are strippers in the evening shows to make ends meet. I do striptease too... I do it in a remote country where the first civilization is at a crossroads between roads that are mostly traveled by policemen, carpenters, mechanics, firefighters, insurers and some elderly people intent on going to drink a Budweiser. In short I'm a stripper for up to 10 old ladies who don't know how to use tik tok, in towns lost in time where the air smells like silos and the only entertainment is a place that has lived through better times. So remember that if you are eating a chocolate donut or if you are having breakfast with your children or with your handsome husband or your beautiful everything with both hands and put down your fucking smartphone.... It's Saturday... buy yourself a Stetson and come and see my show... Was I convincing? IOL #socialmedia #work #linkedin #people #like #projects #entertainment #cowboys #editorialphotography
Se non hai la possibilità di viverla quella persona non potrai mai sapere nulla di concreto di lui o di lei e dici bene è facile farsi sfuggire una parola di troppo....e ancor più facile nn capirsi x una vuole tempo...cosa che tu nn hai.
E..allora ti volti indietro e capisci che passi un'intera esistenza a cercare un punto di equilibrio, quando poi con gli anni, ti rendi conto che la vera vita,ql che ti ha lasciato i segni,quei segni che nn dimentichi positivi o negativi,l'hai sempre vissuta nei punti di rottura. E capisci che passi una vita intera a cercare la persona giusta quando potevi essere tu....capisci che le passioni hanno sempre un prezzo da che comunque valgono sempre il biglietto. Capisci che non tutti amano allo stesso modo e che valutare l'amore in base alle parole e un po come giudicare un libro in base alle pagine,dove molte espressioni possono servire unicamente a riempire spazi vuoti, senza dire in concreto essenzialmente nulla. E infine capisci che passi una vita, pensando alle possibili evoluzioni di un evento, quando ti rendi conto che è stato tutto tempo sprecato, che l'unico momento che hai ha disposizione, l'unico istante degno di attenzione, l'attimo davvero importante è ADESSO. Il solo presente che stai vivendo,il resto è NULLA! Gioia tauro 10 Aprile 2023
Quando hai tempo e nn sai che fare leggi Oroglio e versione inglese x te sarà più interessante
Pride and Prejudice
Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word (elton john)🖤
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